Have you ever been Halloween Booed before? It is so fun that I have created you a FREE Halloween Booed Printables for your family to enjoy this Halloween season! I can’t get enough of this time of year! Don’t get me wrong! I love summer but I love watching everyone change their wardrobes and house decorations!
One thing I loved about Christmas as a kid was the secret surprises that were always left at our door! Now I say, why wait until Christmas!? Why not start the doorbell ditching early this year and do some Halloween Ghost Dropping?!
If you have never been mystery BOOed around Halloween, let me explain how simple it is, and then you can use my Halloween Booed printables below to do your own Booing!!
#1 – You start by making a Halloween themed treat or goodie bag.
#2 – Print off the two printables below and attach them to your treat.
#3 – Pick a family you want to give the treats to.
Discuss as a family what other family would best benefit from this! It is really fun when you get your kids involved in the process.
#4 – Have your kids doorbell ditch the Halloween treat on your unsuspecting friend/neighbor!
It’s so fun to watch your kids leave something on someones door and run! I love their smiles and their anticipation as they wait for the family to answer their door.
I can guarantee your kids will love being a mystery treat dropper just as much as they love trying to figure out who mystery treat dropped them! Have fun!

We’ve Been Booed!! Printable
You’ve Been BOOed!! Printable
If you’re looking for some more great traditions to start up with your kids, check out this Family Friendly Halloween Traditions post I compiled.