Wowza! It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. My 4 month old is in the “hold-me-and-never-put-me-down-MOM” stage. He’s a squiggly little guy and cute as can be but it meant no post from this girl last week. ๐

I was actually working on a St. Patrick’s Day Banner but seeing how yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day. . . it’s been put on the back burner for next year. So. . . stay tuned! Ha! In replacement is this adorable Easter Banner! It was so fun to create and put together (I mean, look at that little cotton ball tail!) It took me quite some time to figure out how to make *only* an outline of the bunny and carrots for you guys (technologically impaired) so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I printed the bunnies out on some fun colored paper I wanted to use, but if you’re using big scrapbooking paper, you can just print out one on normal paper and trace it. Click on the links below the pictures to download the Easter Banner Printable for yourself! Happy Spring!
Easter Banner Printable-Bunny Easter Banner Printable-Carrot